Bedside REading

This edition of Hollywood Monthly is filled with great stories. 

When is the last time you unplugged? We’re all guilty of it, we spend so much time scrolling through social media and too often forget the thrill of getting swept away through ink and paper.

As children, books are the first form of entertainment that sparks joy inside of us, yet as adults, we become so caught up in our day to day existences, we forget all about the little (yet important) pleasures life has to offer, like finding a good book.

In today’s real estate market, homes stay on the market for about 25 days on average before going under contract. That’s better than back in 2010, when homes were averaging 140 days to sell, but it’s still not fast, and there’s no guarantee that your home will sell in 25 days. Location, season, and many other factors affect how quickly you can sell a home. 

The Hollywood Sushi Chef that has served every event from Political and sports Gala’s, to on the sets of major Blockbusters and all the way to the red carpet; just to say the least. Roberto seems to be on Hollywood’s speed dial when you need the best sushi experience for the most amount of people. Now, Hollywood is reaching out for a different reason.

Close the deal. Leticia Gomez has lost count of how many times she’s heard those three simple words in her long career. What fuels this self-made and overachieving literary agent is being a tireless champion of underdog writers so they, too, can achieve their dreams. That means closing the deal. About fifteen years ago, during the Great Recession, Leticia Gomez started Savvy Literary Services. She had multiple strikes against her. No money, No college education, No “good old boy” connections, a Latino woman based in Texas instead of New York City.